The City of Mebane Planning Department will be hosting an information session and open house to discuss work to amend its Unified Development Ordinance to better reflect ongoing development concerns and needs, as well as addressing needed contemporary standards. The open house will precede the December 13th Planning Board meeting and will be held at City Hall, 106 E Washington Street, from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Staff will also present an informational item to the Planning Board about the project’s scope and purpose at that night’s meeting.
Among the topics of focus for proposed amendment are updating the City’s sign, parking, landscaping, fence, and general design standards, as well addressing some specific concerns (e.g. current prohibition on metal siding). Amendments will also focus on ensuring that Mebane’s UDO reflects the City’s needs as a fast-growing community is a fast-growing state, addressing concerns in its Definitions article, Table of Permitted Uses, and Table of Dimensional Standards, and Zoning Map symbology. No specific recommendations are being made at this time; amendments will be proposed in March and April of 2022. Additional opportunities for public input will be forthcoming.
Please contact the Mebane Planning and Zoning Department with questions.