The City of Mebane (city) is requesting qualified professional engineering firms to submit a statement of qualifications to provide Construction Materials Testing and Special Inspections services for expanding/upgrading the Water Resource Recovery Facility (WRRF). The project includes upgrading the facility’s nutrient reduction capacity as well as overall treatment capacity. The city is under contract with Crowder Construction Company, which has begun initial site-related clearing and grubbing. The project is expected to take 3 years to complete.
The city intends to hire a professional engineering firm to aid the city with the following aspects of the project. These tasks will include but are not limited to providing Construction Materials Testing and Special Inspections for structural steel, cold-formed steel deck, cold-formed steel trusses, masonry construction, concrete construction (special inspections), wood construction, soils, paving, and structural aluminum. Testing and inspections are to be performed in accordance with code requirements, construction documents, and established standards and procedures.
Please review the Request for Qualifications- Water Resource Recovery Facility Expansion & Upgrade Construction Materials Testing and Special Inspections Services for more details.
Please submit your Qualifications by electronic submittal, to be received by the city no later than 2:00 PM, January 31, 2025, to the attention of:
Franz Holt, City Engineer, City of Mebane