FAQ Topic: Inspections Department FAQs
A residential accessory structure that does not exceed 12′ in any dimension can be constructed without having to meet the residential building code requirements. A permit is required to approve the location for meeting the setbacks of the zoning in which the structure is located.
You will need to submit a zoning permit. Permit applications must include the following: A sketch or plot plan of the property with the location and dimensions of the proposed fence, and the distance to property lines measured A description of the height and material of the proposed fence Planning and Zoning Staff will review … Continued
Inspectors are in the office between 8:00-8:30 in the AM and 4:30-5:00 in the PM.
For residential permits, a plot plan at a readable scale on letter or legal sized paper (if needed) is required, and a building permit application must be filled out and submitted to our office. The application will require contractors’ names, addresses, and state license numbers. It is recommended that a drawing or sketch be submitted … Continued
Sheds and other accessory structures such as detached garages that exceed 144 square feet require a building permit and a zoning permit. Permit applications must include the following: A sketch or plot plan of the property with the location and dimensions of the proposed shed and the setback distances to all property lines measured A … Continued
Any project where the cost of construction exceeds $40,000 dollars. Exception: A homeowner who lives in the home and plans to live there for 12 months may do his own work without a license. A Home Owner Exemption Affidavit is required with the permit. Permit and inspections are still required to determine that the work … Continued
Permit fees are based on two components. Building permit fees and utility fees (If needed). See Fee Schedule for cost of your project.
To schedule an inspection or to pick up an application, call the office of the Building Inspector at (919) 563-9990. Inspections must be requested the day before between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. The permit number will be required to schedule the inspection. The inspectors are usually available between 8 a.m. and 9 a.m., and … Continued
To apply for a building permit you must complete the application and submit it to the Inspections Department. When applying for a building permit you must provide a plot plan showing where on the property the structure will be located. In the event that city water and sewer will not be available, you must supply … Continued