UDO Revision Process

The Mebane Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) is the adopted law of the City that regulates land use and development within Mebane’s City Limits and Extra-Territorial Jurisdiction (ETJ). The UDO includes zoning and subdivision regulations in addition to standards for different aspects of development, such as parking, landscaping, lighting, signage, building design, and environmental protection. Bona fide farms are largely exempt from the UDO, per NC General Statutes.

The UDO was adopted in 2008 and it has since been revised over the years to reflect emerging municipal goals and objectives, the direction of City Council, best professional practices, and State and Federal requirements. Notably, in June 2021, the Mebane City Council adopted comprehensive text amendments to bring the UDO into compliance with North Carolina General Statutes Chapter 160D.  During this process, City Planning staff evaluated other needs of the Mebane UDO and are bringing them to the public, Planning Board, and City Council for consideration.

The UDO revision process will:

  • Update existing and provide new standards to better reflect ongoing development concerns and needs
  • Update the Definitions article, Table of Permitted Uses,  Table of Dimensional Standards, and Zoning Map to reflect the City’s needs as a fast-growing community in a fast-growing state
  • Address structural needs to ensure that the document is internally consistent, modernized, and user-friendly
  • Implement guidance and design principles from the Mebane Comprehensive Land Development Plan, Mebane by Design, as well as the City’s other adopted plans, notably the Bike/Ped Plan and Downtown Vision Plan.

The City initiated the UDO revisions process in December 2021 by hosting a community open house and introductory presentation to the Mebane Planning Board. The Planning Board meeting video recording and materials are available here.

The City is currently working on gathering survey input from the public (see below for more info!) and drafting the ordinance revisions. Two rounds of amendments will be presented for consideration this Spring, with the first likely to be presented to the Mebane Planning Board at its March 14 meeting, and at a public hearing before the City Council at their April 4th meeting.

How can I get involved?

Public participation is a key element of the UDO revision process and we need your input! In January 2022, the Planning Department launched a series of surveys to gather input on the following topics:

  • Fences and Accessory Structures
  • Property Standards
  • Open Space and Landscaping
  • Parking
  • Signs
  • Table of Permitted Uses
  • Nonconformities

These surveys closed on February 28, 2022. The first engagement opportunity took place at the December 13th, 2021 UDO Revision Open House and Info Session.  Click here to view the posters on each of these topics.

The next opportunity to provide input will be at the May 9th  Planning Board Meeting, when the survey results and the proposed UDO revisions will be presented to the Mebane Planning Board.

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