
Request for Bids – Mebane Community Park Fiddler Stage

You are invited to bid on the Mebane Community Park Fiddler Stage Project.  The City of Mebane will receive sealed bids at the Glendel Stephenson Municipal Building Council Chambers, 106 E. Washington Street, Mebane, NC 27303, until 3:00 pm, Tuesday, January 24, 2023. The Pre-Bid meeting will be held remotely via Microsoft Teams Meeting on … Continued

Deadline Extended – Request for Proposals – Bicycle and Pedestrian Transportation Plan Update & Comprehensive Recreation and Parks Master Plan

The City of Mebane is pursuing a qualified consultant to provide the necessary planning services to draft a new Recreation and Parks Comprehensive Master Plan and to update the Bicycle and Pedestrian Transportation Plan. These are two separate planning documents and will be separate deliverables. However, the City of Mebane recognizes the connections between the … Continued

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