You are invited to bid on the Mebane Community Park Fiddler Stage Project. The City of Mebane will receive sealed bids at the Glendel Stephenson Municipal Building Council Chambers, 106 E. Washington Street, Mebane, NC 27303, until 3:00 pm, Tuesday, January 24, 2023.
The Pre-Bid meeting will be held remotely via Microsoft Teams Meeting on Tuesday, January 17, at 11:00 am (see meeting link below). Please reply all if you plan to attend the Pre-Bid meeting.
The Bid Documents are available via the following link for download: City of Mebane Fiddler Stage Bid Documents
Bidders are encouraged to visit the project site at the Mebane Community Park and review the two existing cantilever shade structures that serve as a basis of design for the Fiddler Stage Project. The two structures are located adjacent to the playground and splash pad.
Garrett Baker, Surface 678, will answer questions about the Bid Documents.
Questions about the Park and Project, in general, will be answered by Aaron Davis, Recreation and Parks Director with the City of Mebane
City of Mebane – Mebane Community Park Fiddler Stage Pre-Bid Meeting, January 17th at 11:00 am EST.
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Passcode: pZHvta
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