FAQ Topic: 2022 UDO Revisions
The UDO was adopted in 2008 and it has since been revised over the years to reflect emerging municipal goals and objectives, the direction of City Council, best professional practices, and State and Federal requirements. Notably, in June 2021, the Mebane City Council adopted comprehensive text amendments to bring the UDO into compliance with North Carolina … Continued
The City initiated the UDO revisions process in December 2021 by hosting a community open house and introductory presentation to the Mebane Planning Board. The Planning Board meeting video recording and materials are available here. The City is currently working on gathering survey input from the public (see below for more info!) and drafting the … Continued
The Mebane Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) is the adopted law of the City that regulates land use and development within Mebane’s City Limits and Extra-Territorial Jurisdiction (ETJ). The UDO includes zoning and subdivision regulations in addition to standards for different aspects of development, such as parking, landscaping, lighting, signage, building design, and environmental protection. Bona … Continued