FAQ Topic: Public transportation

What public transit options are available in Mebane?

The following transit options are available in Mebane: The GoTriangle Orange-Durham Connector (ODX) bus that travels from Mebane to Hillsborough,  Durham, and Chapel Hill. The Piedmont Authority for Regional Transportation (PART) Route 4 bus that travels from Greensboro to Mebane and Chapel Hill. Both bus routes stop at the Mebane Area Regional Hospital; the ODX … Continued

Where can I learn more about bicycle and pedestrian planning in Mebane?

The Mebane Bicycle & Pedestrian Advisory Commission (BPAC) serves to implement the Mebane Bicycle and Pedestrian Transportation Plan and advise the City Council on how to most effectively serve the bicycle, pedestrian, and related needs of Mebane, as well as to advocate for these needs. The BPAC meets at 6:00 p.m. on the fourth Monday of … Continued

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