FAQ Topic: Planning Department FAQs
The Mebane Bicycle & Pedestrian Advisory Commission (BPAC) serves to implement the Mebane Bicycle and Pedestrian Transportation Plan and advise the City Council on how to most effectively serve the bicycle, pedestrian, and related needs of Mebane, as well as to advocate for these needs. The BPAC meets at 6:00 p.m. on the fourth Monday of … Continued
You will need to submit a zoning permit. Permit applications must include the following: A sketch or plot plan of the property with the location and dimensions of the proposed fence, and the distance to property lines measured A description of the height and material of the proposed fence Planning and Zoning Staff will review … Continued
Staff requires a two-week review period for all Zoning Permits, after it has been reviewed by the Inspections Department. The entire process takes approximately four (4) weeks. If a permit is denied, it must be reviewed again.
Sheds and other accessory structures such as detached garages that exceed 144 square feet require a building permit and a zoning permit. Permit applications must include the following: A sketch or plot plan of the property with the location and dimensions of the proposed shed and the setback distances to all property lines measured A … Continued
Contact staff! You are also welcome to formally apply for positions on the Planning Board, Board of Adjustment, and Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Commission.
The City has adopted long-range plans for development, transportation, bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure, and its historic Downtown. These plans can all be found here.
All Planning and Development fees can be found in the City’s adopted Fee Schedule, which is readopted every July.
Variances are requests from a property owner to not follow the regulations of the Mebane Unified Development Ordinance due to a “hardship” on the property. If that condition was not present, the property owner could otherwise use the property according to its zoning district. It is the responsibility of the property owner to show to … Continued
The Table of Permitted Uses in the Mebane Unified Development Ordinance will show how you may use your property, given its zoning district. If a use is permitted, it will be labeled with a “Z” in the Table; if it requires a Special Use Permit, it will be labeled with a “CC”” If a rezoning … Continued
Your property may be in the City limits or outside the City limits in an area called the Extra Territorial Jurisdiction (ETJ), where the City regulates land use and enforces the North Carolina State Building Codes but does not collect municipal property tax. The City provides its official Zoning Map in both paper format and online … Continued