National Fire Prevention Week
The Mebane Fire Department highlights fire safety all year long, but even more so during National Fire Prevention Week. Did you know that fire is the second major cause of accidental death and injury to children? The vast majority of these injuries and fatalities occur in the home. During the month of October, the fire department visits all of our elementary schools to provide students with not only fire safety information and skills, but give students a chance to practice those skills in a realistic, controlled environment.
The Fire Safety House is a mobile travel trailer that is a scaled down "kid-sized" house. Students will be able to walk through a kitchen, living room and bedroom and spot fire hazards, and practice simple methods of eliminating potentially dangerous situations. The students will be able to feel a "Hot Door" and locate an emergency escape route and crawl to safety via a ladder as the Fire Safety House fills with non-toxic smoke. Once the students have exited the house safely, they are taught to meet at a meeting place, to get out and stay out, stop, drop and roll as well as dialing 911. All of these activities are done under the guidance of your local fire department.