Recreation and Parks Advocacy Commission
The Recreation and Parks Advocacy Commission provides direction to the City Council and the Recreation and Parks Department regarding matters related to Recreation and Parks programs, facilities, policies, and its long-range plan. They serve as “Champions” of Recreation and Parks by promoting parks, programs, and events to other citizens, legislators, and others to understand, first hand, the essential value that Recreation and Parks has to our positively charming community. Their responsibilities include:
- Serve as a liaison between City officials and the citizens on Recreation and Parks matters;
- Provide guidance and feedback to the Recreation and Parks Department and City Council in matters affecting programs, facilities, policies, and longrange plans for Recreation and Parks;
- Inform and educate the general public about the importance and need for Recreation and Parks programs, facilities and services;
- Volunteer to work with leaders in Recreation and Parks facilities, programs and activities;
- Assist in developing an updated master plan to meet the present and future needs for programs, services, park facilities, open spaces and to advise in establishing priorities for each of these;
- Recommend changes, updates, and the approval of rules, policy and procedures pertaining to the use of public parks and facilities, including fees and charges.
The Advocacy Commission meets every other month on the 3rd Monday of those months at 6 pm, for approximately 2 hours, at the Mebane Arts and Community Center. Special meetings may be called at any time as needed.
Name | Role | Term Expiration |
Michael Brown | Commissioner | December 2026 |
Mary Fisher | Vice Chair | December 2027 |
Laurie Sawyer | Commissioner | December 2025 |
Sherri Seagroves | Spice Sub Committee | December 2026 |
Dr. Shawnee Seese | Secretary / Spice Sub Committee | December 2027 |
Jesse Whitaker | Chair | December 2025 |
A.D. - Brad Costa | Eastern Alamance H.S. Liason | When employment ends with Alamance-Burlington School System |
Coach -Matt Allred | Southeast Alamance H.S. Liason | When employment ends with Alamance-Burlington School System |